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当前位置:仪器网>产品中心> 科尔帕默仪器(上海)有限公司>水质产品>多参数测量仪>YSI 626870-1 ProDSS Multiparameter Meter, No Gps

YSI 626870-1 ProDSS Multiparameter Meter, No Gps






Choose a meter with or without GPS capability
  • Micro USB connects to PC or flash drive for data transfer, and recharges internal battery
  • Included KorDSS software for data management features geo-mapping capability
  • Large memory stores data sets (with or without GLP information), site lists, and data ID tags
  • Barometer: 375 to 825 mm Hg, Accuracy = tol>1.5 mm Hg from 0 to 50°C
  • Depth: 0 to 328 ft (0 to 100 m), Accuracy = ±0.013 ft (±0.004 m) for cables 3.3 to 32.8 ft (1 to 10 m); ±0.13 ft (±0.04 m) for cables 65.6 ft (20 m) and longer


  • 仪表类型Portable
  • 显示类型Graphic LCD
  • 最小 pH 值 (pH)0
  • 最大 PH 值 (pH)14
  • pH 分辨率0.01
  • pH 精度±0.2
  • 最小 mV (mV)-1999
  • 最大 mV (mV)1999
  • mV 分辨率0.1 mV
  • mV 精度±20 mV
  • 最小电导率0 to 200 mS
  • 电导率精度±0.5% of reading or 0.001 mS/cm, whichever is greater (up to 100 mS/cm); ±1.0% of reading from 100 to 200 mS/cm
  • 最小 TDS0 to 100 ppt
  • 最小浊度0 to 4000 FNU
  • 浊度分辨率0.1 FNU
  • 浊度精度±0.3 FNU or ±2% of rdg, whichever is greater (up to 999 FNU); ±5% of rdg (above 999 FNU)
  • 最小溶解氧0 to 500%, 0 to 50 ppm
  • 溶解氧分辨率0.1 or 0.01 ppm; 0.1 or 1% saturation
  • 溶解氧精度±1% of rdg or 1% saturation, whichever is greater (up to 200%), ±8% of rdg (above 200%); ±0.1 ppm or 1% of rdg, whichever is greater (up to 20 ppm), ±8% of rdg (above 20 ppm)
  • 数据记录(点)100,000 data points; 100 user-defined sites; 100 user-defined data ID tags; 400 detailed GLP records
  • 防水型Yes
  • 描述ProDSS Multiparameter Meter, No Gps


hand strap, USB cable for connection to PC, cable for connection to USB flash drive, USB flash drive with KorDSS software, rechargeable lithium-ion battery, and universal AC power supply.


  • Micro USB connects to PC or flash drive for data transfer, and recharges internal battery
  • Included KorDSS software for data management features geo-mapping capability
  • Large memory stores data sets (with or without GLP information), site lists, and data ID tags
  • Barometer: 375 to 825 mm Hg, Accuracy = tol>1.5 mm Hg from 0 to 50°C
  • Depth: 0 to 328 ft (0 to 100 m), Accuracy = ±0.013 ft (±0.004 m) for cables 3.3 to 32.8 ft (1 to 10 m); ±0.13 ft (±0.04 m) for cables 65.6 ft (20 m) and longer


The handheld ProDSS multiparameter sampling instrument automatically recognizes which sensors are installed and accesses stored calibrations, providing easy and fast measurements with data for up to 17 parameters.

Fully customizable, the instrument is available with and without Global Positioning System (GPS). With the built-in GPS, coordinates can be logged along with measurement data for geomapping.


