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当前位置:仪器网>产品中心> 北京赛福莱博科技有限公司>>Ahlstrom 标准级玻璃纤维微孔滤膜

Ahlstrom 标准级玻璃纤维微孔滤膜





Ahlstrom提供种类齐全的玻璃纤维滤膜,采用100%硼硅酸盐玻璃原料。的品质,对细颗粒过滤捕集效率和高通量特点,Ahlstrom玻璃纤维广泛应用于实验室过滤。主要应用于 环境水质过滤,如废水,环境水质,土壤测试,空气过滤和生化分析,重量分析,环境采样等领域。Ahlstrom玻璃纤维同样适合于过滤高温气体和液体,以及预过滤。

主要特点Key features

定量分析 Qualitative analysis

实验室分析Laboratory analysis

100%纯硼酸盐玻璃 100% pure borosilicate glass

高流速 Rapid ?ow rate

极细的颗粒物保留率 Fine particle retention 0.7μm 3.1μm

高通量 High loading capacity

化学和热稳定性 Chemical and thermal resistance (up to 500°C)

长寿命 Long shelf life

能反射96%的可见光 Brilliant white colorre?ecting more than 96% of visible light

尺寸用户量身定做Custom cut


Ahlstrom 151:

0.7μm Slow Speed 慢速玻璃纤维滤膜

具有极高的捕集效率,收集大于0.7 μm颗粒物. 与其他玻璃纤维相比Ahlstrom 151具有较高的流速和通量,尤其适合于核酸盒生化溶剂过滤。151和 141级高效过滤效果适合于预过滤膜。151级玻纤膜推荐用于EPA 方法1311 中TCLP处理。

Ahlstrom 121:

1.0μm Medium Speed 中速玻璃纤维滤膜

Ahlstrom 111 具有较大的厚度盒较高的湿强度和高通量,适合用于液体澄清和溶剂中细颗粒物的过滤, 液体闪烁计数。Ahlstrom 121 is recommended for the clarifi cation of liquid suspensions loaded with fi ne particulates. Ahlstrom 121 is also used in membrane pre-fi ltration and is also found in quantifi cation of solids, and LSC (Liquid Scintillation Counting) techniques that require high loading capacity.

Ahlstrom 131:

1.0μm Medium Speed中速玻璃纤维滤膜

在众多环境分析应用,尤其适用于污水过滤率和工业废水过滤,与111级相比具有更低的速率。适合细胞收集,液体闪烁计数,空气采样和污水过滤。This standard grade found in many environmental applications offers slightly more retention than Ahlstrom 111 with slightly lower filtration speed and loading capacity. Ahlstrom 131 is recommended for the collection of suspended solids in potable water and in industrial wastes. In biochemical tests, Ahlstrom 131 is suited for cell harvesting, liquid scintillation counting and the analysis of carbohydrates.

Ahlstrom 161:

1.1μm Medium Speed 中速玻璃纤维滤膜

的细颗粒盒高流速的分析用滤纸。适合细胞收集,液体闪烁计数,空气采样和污水过滤。 This popular grade offers finer particle retention and higher flow rate than traditional analytical filter papers. Ahlstrom 161 is used in general laboratory applications, cell harvesting, liquid scintillation counting, and in the monitoring of air and water pollution. Ahlstrom 161 is generally recommended for water pollution monitoring techniques for total suspended solids.

Ahlstrom 169:

1.0μm Fast Speed 快速玻璃纤维滤膜

表面光滑,不含胶黏剂,,能耐500摄氏度高温,适合于TCLP测试方法,悬浮物测定,空气污染采样,挥发性固体测试。 This glass microfi ber grade is a smooth surface, binder-free fi lter with unique high temperature resistance. It offers fi ne particle retention and product stability to over 500 degrees Centigrade. The temperature resistance makes Grade 169 well-suited for TCLP test methods, suspended solids determination, volatile solids testing, air pollution testing, and related EPA and ASTM protocols.

Ahlstrom 111:

1.2μm Fast Speed 快速玻璃纤维滤膜

This grade offers fi ne particle retention with high fi ltration speed and good loading capacity. Ahlstrom 111 is used in general laboratory fi ltration including atmospheric and water pollution monitoring such as intake controls, ozone-level, and water effl uents. Grade 111 is also well suited for fi ltration of water and protein, testing of algae, bacteria cultures and for radioimmunoassay with weak beta emitters. Ahlstrom 111 is also recommended for fi ltering solvents in a high-resolution laboratory.

Ahlstrom 141:

3.1μm Fast Speed快速玻璃纤维滤膜

This grade offers better fi ltration speed and a higher loading capacity than an analytical fi lter paper of similar particle retention. Ahlstrom 141 is particularly recommended for pre-fi ltration of membrane fi lters and is also used in combination with Ahlstrom 121 as a highly effi cient protective and retentive grade density pre-fi lter for membrane fi lters.







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